Our studio is included in this new book and is available at areas stores such as Sundance Bookstore, Amazon. com and others. Pages 66-67. This is a fine reference for those interested in the history of our local architecture (like myself!) I took it upon myself last winter to document many historic buildings in our area, and like this example was able to restore them to their former glory.

This is the old NCO (Nevada California Oregon) Depot building on 4th Street near downtown. I have included one of my "before images" and a final version - a lot can be accomplished with modern technology! Here's another of my favorites:

This is one of the coolest signs in Reno IMHO. You just have to love that old 30's or 40's cruiser still chugging it's way down old Highway 40! Alas, the heyday of Motel Americana has fallen victim to the past - but we still have reminders of this simpler time - reminds me alot of Route 66 and the nostalgia that goes along with it.