I have had an interest in history ever since I was a kid. Mind you, pouring over the American Revolution in textbooks in the fourth grade didn't do it for me... somewhat later I developed the appreciation for those that came before. I think that you need certain life experiences to put the challenges of our predecessors into perspective. I especially love to find historic locations - to stand at the same place that something significant happened. I believe that this developed from a formative visit to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in my youth. To stand on the lines and to visualize the events of more than a century previous - that's the good stuff for this reporter.
Even today I have fun with this. A visit to Promontory Point in Utah two summers ago kindled my interest in our railroad history.
The transcontinental railroad came right though Reno in 1868, and perhaps more importantly for the Reno resident, the fabled Virginia and Truckee railroad rumbled between Reno, Carson, Virginia City and Minden from around 1872 until 1950. "The Queen of the Short Lines". You'll hear more and more about the V&T as progress is made on the rebuilding of the route between VC and Carson - hopefully to be completed in 2010.
The abutments of the old Virginia and Truckee railroad bridge across the Truckee River still exist. Here is an image of the V&T crossing the river in 1905:

Here is a view of the same bridge abutment made a few days ago:

The NCO (Nevada California and Oregon) railroad also made connections in Reno - the fabulous depot still stands on Fourth Street. And the engine house? Still there - now adapted for the printing industry by our good friends at Registered Ink.